Saturday, March 10, 2012

How Do I Remember What Its Like?

     If your one of those people who claim that once your a certain age, that you need to put away childish things and grow up.  Here's my rebuttal to those people;  "GROW DOWN!!!" True that there may be a time to put away childish things but if your going to bring down moral in that process; We'll then, What's the point? Think about it? And if you also claim that you can't remember what its like to be a kid, I may have some hope for you yet.

     So, I took the initiative to ask people about how they remember "The Good Ol' Days" of what takes them back to their childhood.  Here are some some of their answers:

Playing soccer in the rain
Melting toy soldiers in the microwave
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Hot Cheetos and a Pickle
Playing Piano
The Brady Bunch
Saturday morning cartoons - Looney toons
Playing football in the street
Coloring Books
Pressing Flowers
Squishing coins on the railroad track
Barbie dolls
Barbacoa and Big Red
Cowboys and Indians
Batman and Robin
They're Back! A Dinosaur Story
Michael Jackson
Making homemade Ice cream and cookies
Grandma's strawberry rue bar

Chuck Talyors
Playing basketball at night
Pearl Jam
Franki Valli and the Four Seasons

And for me I'd have to say walking to a gas station on a hot day for a slushy and bean burrito.

So unless you have short term memory (I'm sorry if you do), some kind of a complex (I'm sorry if you do) or not a thought in the world,... make something up.  It brings us back to laughter.   Its the key to a fruitful and promising life.  If you don't believe me, just ask someone. They'll tell you.  I invite you you post some of the things that make you remember your childhood and any stories you may have.  This is Tickle saying, "GROW DOWN!!!"

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