Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Indeed, most of us wish we're born in another time.  Maybe you didn't have the best childhood.  Maybe life seems a bit simpler in a time in the past.  The reason for that, is you weren't exposed to the things that you are now.  A jungle gym seemed like a skyscraper, a bicycle was super jet, a basketball court was a stadium, a dance recital was a stage at Carnegie Hall.   We yearn for the past, wishing we could live it once more.  You can do just that.  Spend time with your kids, your students, your nephews, nieces, cousins, grand children, you get my point... Your only as young as you make yourself.  Once again, grow down my friends.

What did you want to be when you you were six?

An astronaut, a rocket engineer, a chef, a famous actor... these are a few things I wanted to be when I grew up.  Now, I'm not revealing my age but I still want to do most of these, minus the astronaut and the engineer.  Those have been replaced by musician and massage therapist... The thing is, try to find something that lets you be those things but without the school and the finances.  Take astronaut for example, I could go to a target, get a package of glow-in-the-dark stars, some aluminum foil a popcorn bowl and the Sci-fi film "Alien".  I am an astronaut ... BAM!!! I dare you to be what you dreamed of.

Music That Defines And Reminds Us.

Whether we you listen to Radiohead, Shakira, Taylor Swift, or Jay-Z, the music we used to listen to as kids has a special place in our minds and heart.  Yeah that might sound mushy, get over it.  For me its was  everything from The Real McCoy, George Straight, Blind Melon, Our Lady Peace, BareNaked Ladies, and Incubus to many Grunge, Sock Hop, Flower Power hits, and a few other bands that weren't to popular.  The point is, really think about what you listened to as a kid and see if there's a correlation to what you listen to now.  If you have an eclectic taste... or not, ... maybe its made you feel certain emotions about things that have happened in your life; walking down the railroad track with a stereo going to the gas station to get an ICEE and a burrito jamming to Weezer..... Yeah.....  Its just another way of embracing your inner child.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Think Outside The Sandbox.

Did ya like that... I thought it was pretty clever... not really.  Anyway, the reason I'm writing is because I was in a meeting yesterday and there was a problem trying to figure out why people don't like to work in groups.  Usually one person ends up doing all the work and the rest take the credit.  (Of course, until the anonymous evaluation shows up and then you get to have your revenge.)  The answer is simple, think of whatever your trying to do .... a game.  I know this might sound a bit childish and odds are its probably not going to work.
       Make it into a dare.  You might get a few bad looks, a few less than nice words, however... it could get your group to take on the challenge.  Sort of like how kids pretend to be a group of spies, or explorers, or a pack of wolves; it really is the same concept. The people that your working with are acting like lazy teenagers anyway, why not take away a few more years.  The point is that sometimes the most complicated situations can be solved in the simplest of ways... the same way a child thinks of a piece of paper as a space shuttle... like how I like to think I saved the world last thursday... with a plunger and two sugar wafers.  Grow down my friends.  (Happy Emoticon)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Almost everyone I've come into contact with has had a nightmare at least once in their life.  The clown that locks you in a cage and torments you.  The falling dream, the underpants in the classroom, etc... Then you run to your parental figures room to ask if you can sleep with them.  Its the same scenario over and over again.  Try this... (its sort of a reverse psychology technique) if there's a scary thing thats bothering the child in the nightmare, try to convince them that they're an ally,  almost a team as it were to do a task that is positive.  Maybe they pretend its an old friend thats bothering them and you're telling them "Not today man, I'm really tired.  Isn't the wife wondering where you are."  Things of that sort.  So you don't end up an elder person asking for their mommy.  Its not a pretty scene... any other advice, feel free to ask Tickle the Hand...  Pleasant dreams....

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Family Events- Checkin Out The Album.

So Easter just came around, and we have a few younger peeps and I just enjoy seeing the things they come up with... I swear, if kids made plot lines for movies they could make some cash... It brings me back to our sense of play, remembering what it was like.  So if you don't want your kids or little folk to forget their child hood.  Take some photos, shoot some film, do thing with them... Play!!! For Pete's sake PLAY!!! It may be tiring... but it the end... it really is worth it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Going to the Movies

I remember the first time I saw my first movie.  It was the Lion King at a dine in theater at a mall.  I remember it was the most amazing place I've ever seen.  I even got to eat chicken nuggets with star shaped french fries.  Anyway, I recall when first seeing it I'm pretty sure I just liked the funny parts and the songs.  Moreover, as I've been experienced other things throughout my life, friendship, love, loss, hatred, fear, and everything else in between, the Lion King has no longer been the same.  Nevertheless, it always reminds me of a time when I wasn't so knowledgable.  I think sometimes its alright to not be an adult.  True, people might tell you to grow up, cut your hair, get some new pants... but you know what?  I like to wear shorts... especially on the weekends.  I don't know what that has to do with anything. BUT I do know that even the simplest of things can take us to the simplest of times.  I say its alright to be a kid... and ... ... ... Go To The Movies.  Sorry if you were expecting some philosophical enlightening words of wisdom.  Just let things become simpler, don't try to grow up to fast kids... you'll regret it.  KEEP GROWING DOWN!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Treat Yourself

As we go throughout our daily lives we tend to have "off days".  Days when we try do every possible thing right and it just doesn't happen.  Bad day at the office, failed a test, forgot homework, etc.  Whatever the cause, think of something that takes your mind off of it.  Maybe an ice-cream that you love, or watching a old movie, playing a game of basketball.  Treat yourself to something to get your mind off of it.  You can't change it, move on and seek out the moments to make you feel better about yourself and that will eventually make everything around you a lot better.  Try it for yourself if you don't believe me.  I dare you to make yourself feel better.  I dare you to treat yourself.