Friday, April 6, 2012

Going to the Movies

I remember the first time I saw my first movie.  It was the Lion King at a dine in theater at a mall.  I remember it was the most amazing place I've ever seen.  I even got to eat chicken nuggets with star shaped french fries.  Anyway, I recall when first seeing it I'm pretty sure I just liked the funny parts and the songs.  Moreover, as I've been experienced other things throughout my life, friendship, love, loss, hatred, fear, and everything else in between, the Lion King has no longer been the same.  Nevertheless, it always reminds me of a time when I wasn't so knowledgable.  I think sometimes its alright to not be an adult.  True, people might tell you to grow up, cut your hair, get some new pants... but you know what?  I like to wear shorts... especially on the weekends.  I don't know what that has to do with anything. BUT I do know that even the simplest of things can take us to the simplest of times.  I say its alright to be a kid... and ... ... ... Go To The Movies.  Sorry if you were expecting some philosophical enlightening words of wisdom.  Just let things become simpler, don't try to grow up to fast kids... you'll regret it.  KEEP GROWING DOWN!!!!

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